Circle of Dominion – A Collection of Echoes

The album is a collection of eleven songs written by Craig Camp and Clara Belle Hembree. It is a collection of songs written and recorded over a decade.

Special guest performances by Fredo Ortiz (drums on Nighttime Dream Dragons and Money Bunny), Tenk Van Dool (lead guitar on Nighttime Dream Dragons), Freddy Garcia (bass on Nighttime Dream Dragons), Fega Michaels (rap on Money Bunny), Deanne California (piano on I Want My Heart), Elyza Hyde (keyboard synth on I Want My Heart), Barry Sommers (narration on Indigo)

Cover art by Italian artist, Antonella Di Mattei –

Circle of Dominion – A Collection of Echoes


Spirit rock, dream pop, and progressive influences. Original and intriguing. Deep and light. Introspective with aspects of self-discovery.

Leaving All the World was first released under the name “Maheekats.” After we changed our name to Circle of Dominion, we decided to release a few of our original recordings under the same name. Leaving All the World was originally named Bedlam Bo Peep because the bass line kind of sounds like bedolumbopeep. The song is about calling for God and asking questions. Sometimes wishing that I could leave this worldly world when it feels like too much. Then a wave of happiness will come and the energy lifts for a breath of fresh air. For the ending of the song where I sing Oh Lord won’t you take me down, I know what you see in me… that part is inspired by the feeling of repentance.

Velocity is when you’ve decided to face yourself and have reached the point where you’ve broken down, then you pray that the feelings pass quickly. Sometimes the feelings hurt so much that you just pray for velocity to get through it. You don’t really need anything from anyone else. It’s for you and you alone to face. It’s just a matter of continuing to dig it out until it’s gone and you regain your strength.

I Want My Heart was written around a poem that I wrote called Hand Sky Days. There was a period of my life that was just so dark and ignorant. I was basically walking through life severely traumatized and didn’t know how I was affecting other people and the environment around me. Back then I remember holding my hand up against the blue sky. It was a sort of escape for me. I would be in the van and hold my hand out the window driving down some New Mexico desert road. Or I would be in a park in Ojai. Or I would be at the beach in Ventura. No matter where I went, I would just every once in a while come back to this odd space where my hand against the sky reminded me that the darkness will pass, one day. My good friends Deanne California and Elyza Hyde offer their piano and synth talents to the recording!

Baba Lives is a song written around the quote by Sathya Sai Baba. Jai Sai Ram! To all the devotees out there!
The original quote is:
You cannot see Me, but I am the Light you see by.
You cannot hear Me, but I am the Sound you hear by.
You cannot know Me, but I am the Truth by which you live.

Moon is about the Goddess and seeing her in the moon. How she pulls me each month. How she catches my breath. How her brilliance gets in my eyes and I cry.

Nighttime Dream Dragons is a song about acquiring magic. Then four dragons appear for protection in each direction. The fourth one is secretly hidden as it is coiled in lore. The twenty four letters spell the imagination at each door. They open sequentially but only when you are ready. We’re so pleased to have Fredo Ortiz (of Los Lobos, Beastie Boys), Tenk Van Dool (of Temple of Switches), and Freddy Garcia (of Deathbed Clique) play on this tune! It’s very special.

Money Bunny was mixed by John Fryer, the legendary producer of This Mortal Coil, Depeche Mode, Cocteau Twins. The drums were recorded by Paul du Gré at Paul and Mike’s Recording Studio in Burbank, California. We were very lucky to have Nigerian artist Fega Michaels write and perform the rap section. The song is based on a scene I saw when I ran away from home. I took the Greyhound bus to Hollywood to buy records. At some point as I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. looking all goth, I saw a pink convertible driving by with four chicks in it. Two of them were sitting on top of the back seat. They were very bubblegum, dime-a-dozen, gold diggin’ types having a good time with daddy’s money, I guess. They saw a couple of handsome gents walking down the across the street from me. One of the girls took down her tube top to flash the guys. I hope this song helps to capture the vibe of that moment.

Shotgun is our anti-war song. Here’s what Primal Music Blog said about it… “”The vocals featured in the chorus are phenomenal, especially when they reach and grab the trance-evoking high notes that are underpinned with a brilliant array of horns. The song then introduces a breezy, shoegaze filtered synth line which finally mixes into the songs brilliant collage of horns, vocals, drum, bass, guitar, keyboards and more. ‘Shotgun’ displays all the greatest elements … diverse and layered song writing skills, along with lyrics and a denser production style that allow the song to project itself beautifully.”
– Primal Music Blog”

When Lightning Strikes is about two people who have reached their limit with their current lives. As they stop to ponder what to do next, they find themselves like thunder and lightning; meant to be together. However, as they fall for one another, they’re risking everything they’ve built in their lives so far. With a strong attraction, as destiny goes, they go together.

Never End In the End is about realizing that it all just keeps coming back around. There really is no end. One day we feel one way, the next day we feel something else, and then lo and behold, we feel the same feeling as before again. Although each time seems to be slightly different, just as each day is different… even if we have routine, it’s always different, but the same… round and round the wheel we go.

Indigo is a song about the moment we find magic and the blessed feeling of the opening of the indigo chakra. If you felt that before, or experienced seeing it before, then you know what I’m talking about. It’s the tunnel. It’s the beginning. It’s the end. And everything in between. The meaning is beyond the scope of words that I could attempt to describe here. Craig had an experience whilst surfing huge waves at Rincon. When he described it to me, we wrote a poem about the feeling that came over him. Our longtime DJ friend from England, Barry Sommers, narrated the poem in the middle of the song. I’ve had the experience a few times. The strongest being the time I can only describe as looking like The Ascent of the Blessed by Hieronymus Bosch.

Released November 3, 2023

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